Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


changingshades08/15/09YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.9
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  1. With JSA going into two series shortly, what’s up with this mini?  I’m not sure how it fits in and it seems like an awfully timed title with the G.I. Joe movie out.

  2. Despite possibly being awfully timed or continuity challenged, this mini is awesome.

  3. nitpick much?

  4. @misterckent If you’re worried about continuity, I would argue that it’s probably supposed to be set before #29. As for the name, I guess it is, but whatever. It’s obviously got a better plot. 😉 And sadly, I have to admit, this is my only JSA book at the moment after 8 years with the book… 

  5. See the Green Lantern Corps thread to see where I accidently posted my thoughts on this series. Accidental comment treasure hunt! (worst treasure EVER)

  6. Opal City!

    There is no God but God!

    Buy this book!

  7. JSA  Vs  Kobra   is  a good mini it is the only JSA book I’ve been interested

     in since the Black Adam arc.  the KOBRA F.O.E. 1 shot was good too.

  8. I’ve missed Opal City.

  9. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    JSA vs. Kobra? Oh, you mean JSAwesome?

  10. Truth.

    Man I love this mini. I wish Trautmann was on the main book or a Checkmate reboot.

  11. Not as good as the last 2 issues, but still strong. Loving the art & I wish this was the regular JSA book creative team — then I’d still be buying it.

  12. This Mini is so good! I think this was the best issue so far, just a really strong issue with great writing and the art is just awesome!


    equal pick of the week with Batman Blackest Night#1 

  13. I like how dangerous Kobra is now.

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