Comic Books


Price: $3.50
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


  1. I’m surprised this isn’t getting more attention on the site. Great book. 

  2. I actually like the last issue more than the last issue of Chew. Really fun book.

  3. It seems like this gets less love every month.  I hope it doesn’t get cancelled.

  4. As a born and bred jersey resident I couldnt love this book more.

  5. @magnum240: true that man.

    I wish there was a way to get more people to read it…..other then my current method of holding them at gun point. They keep crying all over the issue and getting it all wet. 

  6. @joecom Ah, no wonder my friends all think the colors look ‘blurred’.  They’re crying on the pages!

     This issue was damn solid.  I’d scream ‘You’re all missing out!’ except the only people who would hear/see it are the ones who aren’t, in fact, missing out.  I love you fellow Jersey Gods readers.  I really do.

  7. ARRR! The comic book store I went to today didn’t have this. A comic book store in New Jersey. And, no, they didn’t sell out. They looked at me as if they had never heard of it.

  8. This was great!  I can’t believe how much I love this book, its really a lot of fun.

    I don’t think the crappy Allred covers are helping AT ALL.  Put McCaid on the cover too.

    The number of pulls for this book on this site astounds me…really way too low, I don’t understand it.

  9. its -> it’s

    too -> please.

    I suck.


  10. @Urthona

    What? The Allred covers are awesome! 

  11. Awesomely sucky, you mean, right? 🙂


  12. They perfectly capture the book. They’re often my favorite part.

  13. OK, joking aside, when I look at the cover to the current issue, I see a very 2-D looking Barack in an unnatcurural pose.  It evokes more of a cartoon Archie feeling to me than the Kirby-tribute style I’d associate with JERSEY GODS or GODLAND.

    I’m very much a fan of the interior art, and in general don’t understand why a creator would labor for 22 odd pages but then want someone else’s picture on the front.

    Miyamotfreak, I very much respect and appreciate your opinion on the current Allred covers.  Chaque a son gout.  We certainly seem to agree that this is a fantastic book overall.

    Love Zoe!


  14. Man, I love this place. Thanks for the support, fellas!

    Urthona, keep it quiet, but I’ve got a cover coming up in a few months’ time. And after that, I think I might be cover-guy full time.  Stay tuned.


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