• “Rise of the Third Army”!

• Kyle Rayner arrives on Earth to heartbreaking news!

• The debut of the all-new Carol Ferris Star Sapphire!

Story by Tony Bedard
Art by Andrei Bressan & Amilcar Pinna
Colors by Nei Ruffino & Pete Pantazis
Letters by Dave Sharpe
Cover by Ivan Reis, Oclair Albert, & Rod Reis

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%
Avg Rating: 3.6
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  1. I though that Carol Ferris Star Sapphire was debuted last issue, no?

  2. This time she is to be debuted more officially, I guess?

  3. And, wait a second, didn’t they learn Hal and Sinestro were “dead” in #0?

  4. I was disappointed that there was no Aaron Kuder on this issue. In fact, the art was a bit disappointing. Can anyone tell me who the new art team is going to be? (Please say Mr. Kuder).

  5. I so hope this series doesn’t get the boot anytime soon. Huge fan of a series were all the ring team’s get to get together to kick some major a**! Everyone keep supporting this series.

  6. Well so far I’m really liking this Rise Of The Third Army storyline. But I’ve yet to read Red Lanterns #13 yet.

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