• In the aftermath of their battle against the First Lantern and the Guardians, it’s up to Guy Gardner, John Stewart and the other survivors to try to put the Corps back together, or decide if there should even BE a Corps anymore.

• Join Peter Tomasi and Fernando Pasarin for the epic conclusion of their run!

Story by Peter J. Tomasi
Art by Fernando Pasarin & Scott Hanna
Cover by Andy Kubert & Alex Sinclair

Price: $2.99
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  1. Now wait a minute…. Was GL #19 the end of the First Lantern story?

  2. True, although i feel this story has just been dragging on. I am giving this a few issues after the arc ends to see if i keep going.

  3. We get an epilogue before the conclusion…?

    This has been 7 months of cross over hell. All I want to read are space cop stories involving people who wear rings… Why couldn’t they have have left one of the Lantern titles alone?

  4. Way to go DC. After slogging through this entire mess of a story arc over three separate titles, you spoil the ending for me. Not even going to give the new creative teams a chance. Going to channel the money I spend on the GL titles to more deserving indie books. Bite me DC!

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