Comic Books


You might have thought you knew everything about Goon’s past after Chinatown, but there’s more to the story. And most of that story has to do with his aunt. How did he come to be raised by her? How did she wind up as a circus performer? And what is the tragedy that ties them inseparably together?

* Dive deeper into the Goon’s origin!

* The Goon is back–and bimonthly!

* “Powell is serious about his craft, turning in gorgeously grotesque artwork that balances the horror and humor of the script remarkably well. Part H.P. Lovecraft, part Harold Gray, Eric Powell is a twisted genius with the talent to compensate for his perversion.”–The A.V. Club

Writer: Eric Powell
Artist: Eric Powell
Colorist: Dave Stewart
Cover Artist: Eric Powell

Price: $3.50
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.6%


  1. A week with an issue of the Goon tends to be a very good week:)

    • Pretty rare lately, though. Really damn rare.

      I used to love the Goon so much, but the hiatus and delays are killing my joy. Maybe I will find my Goon love once again!

  2. I loved this issue. I think this will come to be my favorite Goon single issue. It spoke to me and by the end of the comic, I was misty-eyed. My mom died last year and when Powell closed the comic with The Goon saying, “When you died I knew there was one less person in this world that really loved me,” that touched my heart. I’ve been a long time Goon reader, since the Albatross Exploding Funny Book days, but this is the first issue that has made me stop and think about the things that really matter.

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