G.I. JOE #5

HOMEFRONT reaches its explosive conclusion—and we do mean explosive: If BARONESS can’t hold the city of Warrenton, no one will! And the fate of the entire G.I. JOE team rests in the hands of its newest—and most inexperienced— member, HASHTAG. What will she decide?

Plus: The return of a fan-favorite Cobra character YOU’VE been clamoring for since he first appeared!

Story by Fred Van Lente
Art by Steve Kurth, Allen Martinez, Marc Deering, & Juan Castro
Colors by Joana Lafuente
Letters by Chris Mowry
Cover by Juan Doe & Steve Kurth

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%
Avg Rating: 3.5
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