Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 7.2%
Avg Rating: 4.7
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  1. This series is ROLLING

  2. The best thing Vaughan as written and only 4 issue till the end.

  3. @rockingeek – you put this ahead of Y?

  4. @cutty-Fuck yeah! No comparisons. Y was a cool tv show and Ex is Vaughan’s masterpiece.

  5. I can dig it.  Y is my personal favorite outside of Preacher and Powers, but I agree that Ex is masterpiece-status.

    It’s a shame BKV isn’t still doing comics fulltime

  6. Word on the street is he has a new project in the works to be debuted sometime next year.


  7. @kmob – god i hope so.  apparently one of his movie scripts is a very hot commodity in hollywood right now

  8. @cutty – yup.  too bad movies are more lucrative.  i wish i had more details but i just remember reading awhile back he was in the early stages of a major comic project but couldn’t talk about it yet.  guess we’ll have to see if that was bull**** or not.  i’d settle for another ogn.  the delays on his regular series kill me sometimes. im a big fan of ex machina but i feel like its been going on forever.

  9. @kmob – could that be more Tony Harris?  He was doing that Image series with Millar earlier in the year I think…

  10. @cutty – its possible.  to my knowledge harris has drawn every issue.  but y suffered delays too.

  11. BKV has another series planned that he confirmed will not start up until after Ex Machina wraps up, as well as some possible OGN’s in the work. It’s hard to confirm because he has so many other things going on, but that’s the last official word.

  12. sweet cover, hopefully he can end this as well as he did Y, because that was a great ending.

  13. @rockingeek what specific parts of the story are your favorites?

    @shenanigans very sad, but very good.  I love strong endings and Ex Machina is shaping up to be equally as good.

  14. @vadamowens-The Great Machine years, of course. And I like that, with this storyarc, the Great Machine’s coming back pulp style. The myteries of the powers and the time travelers and January and the box and pretty much all the unanswered plot threads of the 46 issues. And of course the first pages of the series. I love it all.

  15. @cutty I read the script but I think it’s dead. He’s slating several new projects, but nothing’s getting announced until this ends.

    I would also like to point out that Ex Machina #40 came out this week (or so) last year. So this series is definitely plagued with delays and thank god it’s done so I can start giving trades of the completed thing to people.

  16. I’m fucking geting what I want with this book. Awesome!

  17. wow.  That was one crazy issue.

  18. @rockingeek Yeah, I’m right there with you.

  19. way better than Y.

    bkv has said he will do 2 more graphic novels and after that he thinks hes done with comics.

    but who knows.

  20. It’s a damn shame that this book isn’t grabbing everyone’s attention. It’s in my top five books right now and the past few issues have just been amazing. I’m honestly somewhat shocked that it hasn’t been a potw since #40.

    Great issue. One of those no turning back moments that were all over the ending of Y.

  21. Epic issue. I am so excited for the conclusion. I need more BKV comics!

  22. outstanding stuff from a great witer

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