Price: $9.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.7
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  1. I love Mike Norton and Tim Seeley but they lost me at Zombie. It’s too bad becuase a “farm Noir” book could be really cool.

  2. @tomstewdevine I think you meant to post that in Revival.

    As for Enormous, I picked it up at a big discount or I would have passed on it. Very large/Enormous scale doesn’t translate well to comics and small panels to give any real sense of size and enormity. Unless every page is a full page or two-page spread it is almost impossible to convey in comics and have it show any real impact. I’m coming in with the lowest expectations so maybe I’ll be surprised.

    • Somehow I missed that this is Treasury-Sized… that surprised me when I picked it up. So that helps a bit with my concerns over doing “enormous” scale in a standard comic/panels. Slightly higher expectations now.

  3. I sent my pull list by e-mail to my LCS, and he replied back “What’s Enormous?” That doesn’t bode well.

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