Comic Books


Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


cyberauron07/18/09NoRead Review


  1. This looks awsome

  2. I’m getting this cause I loves me the Doctor Who, but I haven’t been impressed with much of the IDW Doctor Who stuff (it’s uneven to say the least)… the classic reprints are by far more entertaining than any of the newer stuff they’ve put out.  let’s hope they change that trend.

  3. Out of all of the IDW Doctor Who stuff, The Forgotten has been by far the most fun, and Tony Lee wrote that too, so I’m game to give this a shot, definitely.

  4. I have to admit… this disappointed me. I didn’t hate it, it just felt like a lot of unnecessary stuff. As well, my enjoyment was hampered by random use of fake celebrity names "Archie Maplin?" The Doctor also seemed a little…. too fanboyish for my tastes. Still picking this up, but it only got a 3/5 for me. 

  5. I didn’t like the fake names either. Doctor Who always uses real people, thats what makes it great.

  6. As a huge Dr. Who fan I’m looking forward to this series, also have to fill out my collection of the back issues and one shots – haven’t decided re the classics series but most likely I’ll pick those up as well when I can 

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