From the minds that brought you the Scarlet Speedster’s adventures in the 1980s comes a brand new adventure from that exciting era, along with a classic tale from that same decade.

Art and cover by GREG LAROCQUE

Price: $4.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%
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  1. William Messner-Loebs was the reason I dropped The Flash in the 80’s and the reason I won’t pick up this one-shot… 

  2. First one was a lot of fun and can’t wait for this one. Started reading comics with the Flash just before Messner-Loebs and remember searching for as many back issues as I could find. Just a little trip down memory lane…

  3. Isn’t that Wally’s 90’s costume on the cover?

  4. Larocque is actually going to be at my comic shop this wednesday doing signings and free sketches (If possible).

  5. I’ve heard Messner-Loebs has been going through some tough times in the past couple of years so it’s good that he’s working again, plus it feels good to see Wally West back in the costume I miss him as the Flash, I like Barry but I grew up with Wally

  6. The Flash and Batman are the only 2 70s-80s-90s books I am getting and this cover looks awesome.

  7. Wally West Flash? Sold. Messner-Loebs and Larocque on The Flash? Double sold.

  8. Didn’t the Flash get all grim and gritter and really shit during the 80s?

    Can’t wait

  9. Was that a reference to the current no Wally in the New 52 controversy?

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