Comic Books


• Marvel’s Dirty half-Dozen go to war with Iron Man!

• As a world crumbles, What’s up Moonstone’s sleeve?

• This March, Jeff Parker, Neil Edwards and Evil are our only hope!

STORY BY Jeff Parker
ART BY Neil Edwards, Terry Pallot
COLORS BY Chris Sotomayor
LETTERS BY VC - Joe Caramagna
COVER BY Joe Quinones

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


  1. This ends with issue #190 in May, and so will my visits to a retail outlet.

    Only Francavilla’s Black Beetle will stick force the occasional quarterly shopping trip.

    Also, I guess that means I didn’t make it to Thunderbolts #200. Only 90 issues. Oh well.

  2. Trade-waiting this arc. It looks really interesting.

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