Beneath the city of Tarantia, Conan, his allies, and the child in his care are at the mercy of a horde of zombie Hyborians, while above their heads an even greater menace reveals itself! If they survive the catacombs, can Conan and his charges withstand a siege of the city?

Writer: Roy Thomas
Artist: Dan Panosian
Colorist: Dan Jackson
Cover Artist: Aleksi Briclot

Price: $3.50
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


  1. Dan Panosian is gonna kill it on art in this issue. You should all pick it up, it will blow you away.

  2. Loving this book, very very cool stuff.

    Also pumped for the 25 issue Conan: Queen of the Black Coast series coming up from Brian Wood, surprised that didn’t make frontpage on here.

  3. That Black Coast series sounds fairly awesome. I was hot and cold on Mr. Panosian, this issue. Overall Mike Hawthorne has really grown on me and I would rather have had more of that.

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