Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%


p4tr1ck11/27/08YesRead Review


  1. Woot a skepticism book, kinda like the bizarro version of Proof.  I loved Elk’s Run too, so I definately going to pick this up, if I can find it at least.

  2. This actually sounds awesome, but I want it in trade.


  3. did anyone get a bit confused from time to time? I felt like there were multiple instances in which i had to reread pages cause i felt like i didnt get what i’d just looked at. loved the book overall but i did feel that it had some clarity issues

  4. I’m interested in this too but think I’ll hold off for the trade

  5. @TopGun: I had the same problem. Hopefully the next issue will bring more clarity.

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