Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


  1. G’bye Catwoman! Since the Brubaker/Cooke Days you’ve been a fun read. 

    Pfeifer, you done good comics here! Thanks.

  2. Yeah, Bravo to Pfeifer and Lopez and Lopez

    This has been some solid, solid stuff for as long as I can remember.

    And an extra hats off to the Lopez’ for not missing an issue since OYL.  It really gave the book a consistant feel.

  3. @TomO – totally agree with you on the Lopez art team!  They deserve an ATTA BOY for penciling every single issue since OYL.  Art consistency goes a long way towards my enjoyment of a book.  Pfeifer’s run on this book was a fun one – I am going to miss this book when it doesn’t show up in my pull list next month!  🙁

  4. The fact that they’re won’t be any more Adam Hughes Catwoman covers brings a tear to my eye.

  5. Without a doubt… the covers were FANTASTIC!

    I would buy a bound collection of all the Hughes Catwoman covers in a heartbeat. Hardcover!

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