Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


  1. I probably shouldn’t even buy this, the last issue was so bad. But it’s been a good run overall…

  2. I hear you.  This is another book I’m thinking of dropping now.  The only reason I’m staying on is because my girlfriend likes the short storie arcs that don’t worry about the rest of whats going on in the DCU.

  3. It’s been a great series… not a lame team-up in the bunch, until now.  I just have no interest in these two characters.  Maybe they should go back to the old Batman and a guest star format?  Hell, bring back DC Comics Presents with Superman and a guest star every month and I’m there!  God, I loved those books…  Oh yes make Perez draw this series again.  I also love the fact we can have a book that isn’t intertwined with needless strict continuity bullcrap.

  4. Why did they pull Waid off this book? It was doing great with him, and the Scott Kolins arc was great fun. The last issue of this was baked asscakes though, I hope it gets better quickly.

  5. i started reading and i just couldn’t finish . it is really bad.

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