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BOYS #27

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.2%


Neb02/04/09NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.3
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  1. I used to love the boys, but this story arch has me feeling lost. I hate to say it, but i think i may be dropping this one depending on this issue.

  2. I’m a bit like you, Fvckstick, I’m a big fan of this book, but this story arc hasn’t been one of the best. Maybe because I have no knowledge of the X-Men except from the movies, so I don’t get all the jokes …

  3. I’m feeling the same about this arc. I also feel that the toilet humour has been cranked up to a ridiculous level to a point that’s just stupid.

  4. love this series

  5. I read and interview with Dynamite president Nick Barrucci on Newsarama and in it he say’s that this arc is all leading to a "blockbuster" issue #30 which will be the halfway point of the series.

    So if you’re thinking of dropping this, I atleast recommend waiting until #30.

  6. That bathroom scene was a little too fucked up…

  7. Haven’t liked this series since it was at Wildstorm; don’t know why I’m still reading it.

  8. gotta say I’ve read this since the beginning and it’s just been , meh, to the point where i don’t even look forward to it. I need some changes in my sub list i think…

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