Comic Books

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BOYS #25

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.6
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  1. Probably my favorite comic involving Superheroes.

  2. This book’s weird for me. Some issues feel like repeats of others & some issues blow me away with their awesomeness. Hopefully this issue falls into the latter category!

  3. @WadeWilson, I think this reads better in trades, I read the first two trades then switiched to issues and have been enjoying it much less, think I’ll switch back to trades after this arc.

  4. @bc108 — I’ll be switching to trades on a lot of books, so I’ll probably take your advice & switch on this book. The stories can be kinda complicated & I usually have to go back & re-read the last issue before the new one, so trades might be the way to go.

  5. I too scratch my head sometimes when reading this but overall better then a lot of crap out there

  6. This is supposed to be the defining arc for The Boys, considering the arc will end at issue #30. Halfway to the point of the series. So far I think this has been a good series but this arc had lacked, I hope it gets better as it goes on.

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