Collecting the 5-issue miniseries! In the aftermath of World War I, surrealist painter Judith Benoir desperately wants to make a splash in Paris. And as The Creeper, she escalates simple burglaries into spectacular art crimes, establishing her as a cultural icon. But what are the true motivations behind The Creeper’s actions? And how long before her antics spiral out of control and the law closes in?

(W) Jason Hall (A/CA) Cliff Chiang

Price: $14.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
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  1. Avatar photo Jeff Reid (@JeffRReid) says:

    This is full of pretty good Cliff Chiang art and features a completely different Creeper than the Jack Ryder version. I wrote about it a bit here. Recommended.

  2. DC has been releasing the issues for the past few weeks digitally and it is pretty great.

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