“All I could see was red. Then I saw the white and the blue.  And the pinko.”

And don’t miss the latest sensational chapter of the CRIMSON CORSAIR, from writer and artist JOHN HIGGINS.

Story by Brian Azzarello & John Higgins
Art by J.G. Jones & John Higgins
Cover by J.G. Jones
Variant Cover by Brian Stelfreeze

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
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  1. I take it (with the flood of comments here) nobody wants to talk about the Comedian? The cover is very eery knowing the character’s background with the Vietnamese.

  2. of all the BW books, this the most underrated.
    this is truly a great character piece and gives a lot of insite to SOME of Eddie’s motivations.
    it’s also turning into a great war book. i’m reminded of Sgt. Rock if he dropped acid. i didn’t realize in the beginning that there would be so much focus on the Vietnam War. it’s a good thing.

  3. This was a pretty sweet issue

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