• SCARECROW makes a bold move against BATMAN, using COMMISSIONER GORDON as bait!

• The terrifying pasts of both SCARECROW and BATMAN come back to haunt them.

Written by Gregg Hurwitz
Art by David Finch & Richard Friend
Cover by David Finch & Richard Friend

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.2%
Avg Rating: 3.8
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  1. I’ve been liking Snyder’s Batman, but was looking for a smaller, less intense arc so I picked up this last issue.

    I’ve not liked this series before, but the new writer Hurwitz, really set up an interesting story. The Scarecrow was scary, and it was nice to see Bruce playing the playboy angle up a bit.

  2. I liked last issue too. I’m excited to see how this whole Scarecrow arc unfolds.

  3. I came on board last issue and thought it was great, art and writing 5/5

  4. I’ve been with this since the beginning. Although this arc seems to be an improvement, it’s not incredibly compelling.

  5. If Hurwitz is still writing it, then I’m still on board. As soon as he’s not though… I’m gone.

  6. This is pretty cool, a little bit Nolan a little bit Arkham city. The end of the issue had me scratching my head though

  7. David Finch just does not understand how a reflection works. In both this and the last issue he drew the reflection of the kid in the head mirror the wrong way.

  8. Wow, I love this issue. I’ve been reading since the beginning too and ever since Hurwitz took over this title has really improved. And once again the art was spectacular. This is turning into a really good Scarecrow story.

  9. This is going in a good direction, I’m digging this arc.

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