Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.4
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  1. Not a bad series. Not my favorite, but because it’s a mini-series i feel i need to stick it out till the end.

  2. man im liking this alot im stoked about picking this up!

  3. I’ve been liking this series so far, and the art was good enough on the past two issues… but what the hell is WRONG with that cover?

  4. i cant wait for the payoff

  5. I’m glad I didn’t drop this (I was going to mainly because of the art), the story is getting really really good now. Stupid of me to doubt Garth Ennis was going somewhere worth following! Pity the art is so ugly (IMO).

  6. The art is god awful.  Probably the worst art in any book currently coming out… but the story is good enough for me to see this through.

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