Comic Books


Special POINT ONE issue.

START READING with this Point One issue!

During his dark reign, Norman Osborn attempted to mold super-powered teens to further his twisted agenda. So the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes created the Avengers Academy to reverse his influence on these impressionable, would-be heroes. But what happened to the young men and women who weren’t enrolled? Will friendship bloom or will fists fly when this year’s Avengers Academy students meet the kids who didn’t make the cut?!

Story by Christos Gage
Art by Sean Chen, Scott Hanna
Colors by Jeromy Cox
Letters by Joe Caramagna
Cover by Billy Tan & Leonardo Olea

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.5%
Avg Rating: 4.1
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  1. Just call it issue fifteen.

  2. I thought the prom issue was the point 1 issue, and now realized that was just #13. That issue made me a new reader of this very excellent series, so maybe it should have been the point 1 issue. 🙂

  3. Wow I am liking this new villian. Really good story

  4. Excellent issue. Keeps getting better!

  5. And we have a Villain. A pretty badass one at that.

  6. Is he a villian though? What I mean is… I’m kinda surprised with how much I agreed with what he said. I think if I was a part of the Academy I would have accepted his offer…

  7. @Phosphene That is the point of a good villain. There must have been a time when you sympathized with Magneto or other villains.

  8. This is probably the most appropriate Point One issue I’ve come across so far. It explains what the series is about, and offers a stand-alone story for both new and experienced readers of this title. It’s not essential reading but it’s a pretty important story if you’re invested in the characters. Very well done.

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