Comic Books


Blood, fire and death…the final chapter of “The Blacklist” is here and not everyone is going to make it out alive.

Don’t miss the stunning conclusion to the biggest AMERICAN VAMPIRE epic so far!

Written by Scott Snyder
Art by Rafael Albuquerque
Cover by Rafael Albuquerque

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.0%


theWAC111/29/12YesRead Review
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  1. oh my, that cover

  2. I don’t know…. sometimes I really don’t care for the way Albuquerque draws her expressions. Like she’s pitching a massive loaf, but maybe she is.

  3. I really can’t wait for this book to come out each month I’m going to be sad that they are going to take a slight hiatus after this arc. But I have faith in Snyder and Albuquerque will bring it back with a bang. Also I’ve been loving this arc Snyder knows how to bring back characters in style.

  4. Yeah, I’m bummed this is going away for awhile. I’m excited to read this finale, but it’ll be bittersweet. Next issue we get a special sendoff drawn by Francavilla, so that is awesome.

  5. Does anyone know how long the hiatus will be?

    • Snyder’s been saying it will be less than a year, but he hasn’t given a specific return date yet.

    • I just read an interview with him on Newsarama & he states that #34 is the end of the first half of the series & what happens in it leads into the second half!
      Also that he & Rafael will start working on it in 6 months time but it is up to Vertigo on the scheduling so I can only guess but I reckon it’ll be back in October for halloween?! (but this is a guess)

    • Thanks guys. Also happy to hear there will still be a vertigo in 6 months.

  6. @Kmob…me too! I had the feeling with Sweet Tooth ending, Unwritten supposedly wrapping up, Hellblazer shutting down, and the apparent failure of the new titles, that the line was over. Pheeeew!

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