• The All-New X-Men are hot on the trail of the culprits that have been framing them for a number of high stakes crimes!

• Though will this original team of Merry Mutants be able to take down the threat of Mystique and her own team with Sabertooth and Lady Mastermind!

Story by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Stuart Immonen & Wade Von Grawbadger
Colors by Rain Beredo
Letters by Cory Petit
Cover by Stuart Immonen, Wade Von Grawbadger, & Marte Gracia

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.8%
Avg Rating: 4.4
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  1. I think they’ll try and they will fail. These aren’t the best X-men and Mystique is evil!

  2. Last issue was stunningly good. I’m hoping this one ratchets up the action a bit and we see how these kids (can I call them kids? I’m 26 now… No? Yeah probably not)… See how these young people get themselves out of trouble and clear their otherwise good names.

  3. I had to drop this and Uncanny X-Men to bring my pull list under $40 a month, but I already miss this team-up. I will catch up on it when the trades come out.

  4. JML ( says:

    This and Hawkeye are wrestling for Pick of the Week in my head. Kitty’s rebuttal to Alex was beautiful.

    I love what Remender is doing in Uncanny Avengers, but I really do think he put those words in Alex’s mouth out of ignorance. Ignorance of what it would mean to real-life minorities hearing it, ignorance of what it sounded like coming out of the mouth of a blonde, blue-eyed dude. After the outcry, he retweeted somebody posting a video of Morgan Freeman’s comments about Black History Month to defend Alex’s words. Then his attempts to claim X-Men are not supposed to be an analogue to real minorities seemed very gross to me, especially after seeing this video of Junot Diaz talking about how much he loved the X-Men as a kid:

    I guess my point is, I love Remender’s superhero soap opera stuff, but when it comes to the metaphor at the heart of the X-Men, he doesn’t get it or appreciate it like Bendis does. Bendis can be a very flawed writer but his flaws will never outweigh his ability to write something like Kitty’s speech in this issue.

    p.s. wouldn’t it be awesome if Marvel could get Junot Diaz to write an X-Men book? Good god, my head would explode.

    • I think it is great that havok is voicing a different opinion. He has no reason what so ever to identify himself as a minority. He is a mutant that doesn’t look like one, he is a white anglo-saxon protestant with blue eyes, blonde hair and chiseled features. He left the Xavier School to go to grad school. He sees himself as a normal guy with super powers, no different than Cap or Wasp. Nothing about that screams, “I am a minority.”

      Remender is bening true to the character. The problem is that he took the counter argument too far on Twitter.

      Just like real life, people have different opinions.

    • JML ( says:

      I have no problem with Havok expressing it as his own opinion or saying that he doesn’t personally identify as part of the mutant community, but that wasn’t how I saw it as written. Remender’s response to the controversy further led me to believe that Havok’s opinion was in fact, originally, an editorial one.

      All that said, I do think we’ve gotten a lot of cool stuff out of him having written that page, so I’m glad he did it. The Wanda-Rogue conversation in the last issue of Uncanny was a nice touch and showed that Remender took the criticism to heart and was able to write a thoughtful response.

  5. I submit…nay, demand!…no, okay, submit is better…That “Pepperoni” make panels of the week.

  6. Wow, just finished it…I like that Marvel proudly reprinted the infamous “Havok-Speech”. I wonder who will drop some ink on it now?

    • they did not say proudly anything. They reprinted it because it has become such a hot topic lately and Uncanny Avengers #5 was printed months ago. It just saved people the effort of tracking the issue down or googling it.

    • I say “proudly reprinted” because putting the panels right there for reference is a far cry from being apologists, or from pretending it didn’t happen. I mean, LOTS of things happened months ago, and we rarely even get a [* See Uncanny Avengers #5] asterix anymore. This is also the second issue this month to directly address the speech, and the counter-arguments to it.

    • JML ( says:

      I think that they figure it’s better to own it and have other characters offer differing opinions than to try to pretend it didn’t happen. I can’t imagine controversy hurts their sales numbers. I’m convinced that this whole debate springing up across the X-Men books was an accident, and that Remender didn’t think what Havok was saying would be as controversial as it turned out to be, but it was a happy accident indeed and I think it’s really cool how it’s playing out.

  7. Can this book get any better? I think not! 5/5

  8. I’ve loved this title since issue one, and this might’ve been my favorite issue so far.

    This is Bendis at his absolute best. The dialog was like automatic gunfire in this one. So many one liners and it never once felt annoying. I lost my shit when Bobby said “You’re Jewish?” after Kitty’s (equally well-written) speech. The drama here is just as rich as the humor. That ending? THAT’S how you do a cliffhanger. Even with the use of the “start with the end” method, it still hit home. Because Bendis knows what that means to an X-Fan, and when it’s used skillfully, I can think of few other situations in comics that are guaranteed to make me say “Oh shit.” out loud.

    And as much as I truly enjoy Marquez, this book just feels right when Immonen is on it. Few other artists can do facial exspressions the way he can. And little touches like the small panel of Jean focusing her powers being bordered by the Phoenix feather pattern are just brilliant. From little panels to splashes, this guy can truly do it all.

    In a wonderful week of comics, this is the only one in my stack (so far) that gives Fury MAX a fun for its money.

  9. Im not sure if this is a little jab at Remender, or Bendis just wanting to flesh out Havoks speech a bit, but Professor Kitty pretty mutch hit the nail on the head. ” your brother sure as hell ain,t talkin for me” Loved it!

    • I didn’t see it as a jab as much as an offering of a different opinion. What I liked most about it was that, at the end of the day, they both fight for the same thing. But they approach it from vastly different angles.

    • So far he seems to be the only mutant with this opinion, which is fine by me. If they play Alex as an outcast within parts of the mutant community I dare say I might even find him interesting. Oddly enough after re-reading the speech on the final page it sounded a lot less “m-wordy” than i remember.

    • JML ( says:

      @sumguy: wasn’t Wanda specifically agreeing with and defending Alex’s speech in the last Uncanny Avengers?

      Funnily enough, I found a Chris Claremont ’80s scene with Kitty saying something very similar to what Alex said. The delivery and wording were slightly different though, so you can see where what Kitty said seems like an attack on racial slurs while what Alex said makes it seem like he’s denying mutants a collective identity:

    • Your right, I totally forgot that somehow. Wanda fits the bill for mutant outcast anyway. Still, the most interesting Havoks been in recent memory.

  10. I might be on the minority on this but this book is reeeaaally starting to bore me. I absolutely loved this book when it came out, I couldn’t wait for the next issues to come out but now Bendis is losing me. Might drop this one after the next issue if it doesn’t get me back into it. I’ll stick with Thor, Daredevil and Hawkeye

  11. Bendis writes a hilarious Bobby. “Pepperoni” was a fantastic moment. This is how X-Men should be, so much fun in every issue, I’m really enjoying how all these personalities clash and differ.

  12. Turd in the punch bowl alert. Using left of center progressive sports writing reference alert. We good alright. I read this on my way to work this morning and overall it’s awesome. Cool story and great art. One thing that stuck out to me like a sore thumb, which often does with Bendis, is the dialogue, as in he pretty much does the same four or five voices for every charterer no matter who they are. Now this is not as jarring for me on his earlier Marvel work ala Daredevil, New Avengers, Ultimate Spiderman ect . That got me thinking about something I read in the Sex and Fantasy Football mailbag on the NFL humor site Kissing Suzy Kolber. In one of the questions the reader that sent the e-mail ended by saying “I like Bill Simmons. I don’t care or understand why other people don’t” Now for some background for those that don’t know, Bill Simmons is a guy that started out writing a column at called Boston Sports Guy in the late 90’s and basically parlayed that into a writing gig at ESPN, two published books, curating a documentery series with ESPN, creating an offshoot sports/entertainment site of ESPN called grantland and recently a full time NBA pregame show analyst that spends about an hour in total of the pre-game, halftime and postgame broadcast discussing basketball with the likes of MAGIC JOHNSON among others. Got all that? Good, back to Kissing Suzy Kolber. The writer (the excellent Matt Ufford aka Captain Cavemen*) responded that his problem with Bill Simmons is that in spite of all his success he’s never really grown as a writer. He is still doing the same stuff he was doing ten years ago although often times to diminishing returns. Furthermore he explained that this is even more jarring when compared to countless number of great writers that he has on his website grantland that routinely blow him (and me) away with the quality and innovation to there craft. I realized this is the same way that I feel about Bendis right now. I don’t think he has grown as a writer. His dialogue is still the same Sorkin style witty banter, his stories are still very much based around a lot of the same premises (plot twist, interdimensional or time travel, dues ex machina’s ect) and instead of making his work better he has just done it on more books. It’s especially jarring to see this compared to some of the amazing writing that is going on with other Marvel writers like Aaron, Waid, Hickman, Remender, Fraction, DeConick, Gillen and Wood who are kind of blowing me away every week with one of there books. I like what he’s done with his X-Men books and I’m happy to have him on the title but I wish these were the only titles he was doing in the Marvel Universe so that he could make them as strong as possible. I wish he would push himself to write something that would surprise me in a way at how new and refreshing it felt. I wish that he was challenging himself by refining his writing style as opposed to writing as many books as possible. Maybe I just wish his my definition of “better” matched his.

    *Also comic book reader and proponent of a post break up plan that I implemented four years and the results of which where astounding.

    • Just thought I’d offer a second opinion.

      I get what you’re saying, but I’d argue that no writer can avoid evolution of some kind, however gradual. I’m not familiar with Simmons, but I can tell you that I used to find Bendis unreadable. Not only were his pages crawling with tiny, quippy word balloons, but most of them were redundant. It seemed like he would repeat himself and fragment everything with constant dashes in an effort to make the dialog seem realistic. I’ve always felt that dialog in comics should seem natural, but it doesn’t neccessarily have to read the way people talk in real life.

      He still plasters the page with balloons, but it’s become much sharper. His page economy seems to have improved. It may just be me who’s changed and not him, but I really enjoy his work on All New X more than I ever have before. I used to dismiss him as one of those creators who was “popular, but just not for me”. But I’m surprised and delighted to be enjoying this work.

      But Aaron Sorkin makes Bendis look like a vegetable.

    • See I think that’s what taking me out of it. I’m an X-Men fan. The Jim Lee fold out cover was the first comic I ever bought out of a comic store and after some early trepidation I do really like what he is doing here. With that said the things you are talking about that used to bother you about him are still taking me out of it. I would agree that the page economy has improved quite a bit but I think that can also be attributed to the quality of artist that he has worked with on these X-Men books. Let me ask you this; have you been reading any of his other work as of late and if you have what are your thoughts on that?

    • Nope. Like I said, I never considered myself a fan. This is the first Bendis book I’ve tried in years, and I’m enjoying it so much that I’d like to keep it that way. If you’re exposure to his current work is broader than mine, than I’m sure your criticism is entirely justified.

      I’m a longtime X-Men fan myself (and like any self-respecting comics child of the 90’s, that Jim Lee #1 is safely tucked in my longboxes). I took a long break from the X-Titles between 2000-2010 because I just couldn’t stand what they were doing. It seems now that the X-Offices have removed their heads from their asses, and I’m loving every second of it. With books like this one, X-Men, W&TXM, etc. they’ve seemed to find a good balance of nostalgia while maintaining a fresh, modern approach, and Bendis’ book is no exception as far as I’m concerned.

    • X-books is the best it’s been in a really long time. I’d argue that ever since Uncanny X-Force it’s just been getting better and better. He has managed to make these books fit in with everything else which is no easy task considering how many of them are. Are you enjoying any of the peripheral X-Books. I really like Legacy. I gave Cable/X-Force and V2 of Uncanny XF a shot but neither really grabbed my attention.

    • I agree Remender’s UXF kinda ushered in this new era. I try to keep my pull list tight, so I’m only reading the main titles at the moment. I tried UXF V2 and it didn’t do anything for me despite being a big Garney fan. Don’t really have much interest in Cable or Legacy. I do love those covers on Legacy though. Beautiful stuff.

    • I can understand trying to keep the pull list light. I think I’m in the minority about Legacy. I wish UFX V2 didn’t leave me so cold. I loved Humphires image one shot “Our Love is Real” but I haven’t read anything he’s done at Marvel that captures my interest.

    • It’s all about quality over quantity for me. If you only read the books that get you jazzed, you’re almost never disappointed.

    • Yeah I get jazzed by a lot of stuff so I end up pulling a lot but as soon as I think something is slipping (ala Deadpool, Revival) I drop it unless it has a really solid track record ala Chew. I almost stopped reading this after the first two issues.

  13. This was the best issue in awhile. It finally felt like a real x-men book and the art improved for some reason (I think it was just cleaner, less scratchy). Hope it keeps up. Still not 100% on why the “mutant” thing was such a topic in this, but it was well-written and interesting enough.

    • Remender touched on it last week in Uncanny and I think Bendis just wanted to give a couple of other voices on the matter. I thought it was cool. Really dug Kitty’s speech. Also feels like Kitty and Havok were both Avatars for the feelings of those particular writers.

  14. this book has been pretty good so far.Need to ask.Is Corsair still arounf? If he is,a meet up with the original X-Men would be very very interesting.

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