• One of the ALL-NEW X-MEN leaves to join Cyclops and his crew!

• Jean Grey pushes her power to the limit, shaking her and the rest of the X-Men to the core.

Story by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Stuart Immonen & Wade von Grawbadger
Cover by Stuart Immonen

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 20.2%


JML05/02/13NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.4
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  1. I so called who was leaving!

    Can’t wait to read the fall out from you know who leaving.

  2. Even though the big reveal was done in Uncanny X-Men #4 it will be good to see the repercussions of it all!

  3. I found myself taking the perspective of {SPOILER) and realized that there’s some cooky stuff going on in Uncanny. I’d feel the same way. And here I thought DC was the only one doing WTF month.

  4. Getting the first dozen of these by subscription.

    Might even get the whole first year.

  5. Always my most anticipated comic when it comes out.

  6. This series is great and this is a good issue as well. I’ve enjoyed this way more than the latest Superior Spider-man.

  7. This is such a great book. The art and the writing in this book is Amazing. Also love how Bendis put a little Spidey into this for us. You know our pain. lol.

  8. So it turned out to be the most obvious choice after all. Maybe we’ll eventually get a full time Archangel and Angel living in the same time.
    I thought Jean and Kitty were going to make out there for a minute. Wishful thinking I suppose. 😉

    • The defection was spoiled in Uncanny X-Men.

      Also, if you read all the comments, most everyone was leaning towards any one but Warren.

    • Most everyone was guessing anyone but Warren because Warren was the obvious choice, and no one suspects the obvious choice.

    • @WheelHands: I’m starting to feel like “going with the obvious choice” is becoming a theme for this book. And I don’t mean that as a criticism. The obvious thing is obvious because it flows naturally from the characters and makes sense in the world they inhabit. Since Bendis and Immonen (and David Marquez!) have done an amazing job making these characters behave honestly, I think that approach works without feeling too simple.

      While I can definitely appreciate a twisty swerve now and again, I really like this kind of straight-forward, character-driven storytelling.

    • I agree. I didn’t intend it as a cristicism either. I’m just saying that no one chose Warren because no one wants to be the guy who picks the obvious choice. There’s nothing we nerds love more than being right about a wild theory. I don’t mind Bendis’ choice, and obviously he’s got big plans. In fact, I admire him for sticking with his established chracterizations. It’s almost like he pulled a left-right-left on us instead of the ol’ one-two.

      “Sometimes, people deserve to have their faith rewarded.”

      Now, give me points for using a Batman quote on an X-Men thread.

  9. This book remains fantastic. I think this might be the longest Bendis has ever kept me on the hook. Hope it lasts.

  10. Great book; great issue. Yeah, Warren was spoiled in Uncanny but his defection told from this perspective was awesome IMO. This has been my favorite issue of the series thus far; I don’t need a book to be action-packed anymore.

  11. Good issue, awful ending. I mean come on, Wolverine is both an avenger AND an uncanny avenger. No one could have thought to maybe ask him about these supposedly strange attacks he’s been carrying out instead of instantly jumping to the force crash the x-jet option? Cause nothing like this ever happens in the Marvel U right? What ever happened to the reasonable intervention like with ock-spidey which can then devolve into fisticuffs if necessary?

    • Tired ending. Is every issue of Bendis’ X-Men going to end with a Superhero team showing up? Other than that it was good. I like Jean and Kitty’s relationship a lot, its probably my favorite aspect of this book and this issue had a nice scene.

  12. Avatar photo filippod (@filippodee) says:

    The reveal happening in Uncanny #4 actually enhanced the story, this is good writing.

    On the other hand, I hate, hate, hate Avengers-in-self-righteous-pose cliffhangers.

  13. Another great read! Lost a star for the art though. Immonen seems rushed with this accelerated schedule, even with rotating artists.

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