Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.3%


changingshades05/22/09NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.9
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. I think this is the best marvel superhero comic right now.

  2. I’m giving this one last try. Loved the original mini, but this ongoing has left me cold. I want to read about the team in the present. That was the hook for me. Too much of the book so far has been broken up awkwardly by flashbacks. It really breaks the rhythm of the story.

    The bottom line so far is that I don’t think this title has really shown to offer anything that isn’t already being offered by other Marvel titles. I want to like it – but it’s just not delivering.

  3. I’m digging on this book a great deal.

    Exiles is good too.

  4. Im really enjoying this book. Good stories and real era influnced art. ANd I think Aphrodite is h0t!

  5. Oops Venus …. Venus is hot not that Aphrodite isnt h0t either. But Venus is the character in this book who is h0t! : )

  6. This has been my least fav issue of the run so far. Probably because I’m not much of a Marvel fan to begin with, so seeing the team fight the new old Avengers (whatever incarnation they might be) just really didn’t do much for me. Time for a new story arc.

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