‘Young Justice’ – S01E25 – “Usual Suspects”

Next weekend is the season finale! (And then the week after is season two!)

Here’s how “Usual Suspects” is described:

The team gets a new member and a new mission — a mission that may finally expose all of the team’s secrets … and all of their lies!

I look forward to your thoughts, opinions, gripes, live-blogging, etc.


  1. Wow speedy how could you. Look like a League vs team next show!!! can’t wait

  2. I think its so cool to see Icon on the show.

  3. icon, the atom, plastic man, dr. fate, and red arrow. quite a membership drive. who would you rather have on the league? what female heroes could make the team?

  4. This show just keeps getting better & better. Fantastic action. Great writing. I love this show. And next week…JLA vs. Young Justice! Awesome.

  5. Great reveal!

  6. Yes!

  7. I was very disappointed in this episode as a whole. I don’t like how they revealed everyone’s secrets all at once. It was really cheesy and seemed like a rush job. I would’ve preferred each one to come out more gradually and not necessarily to every team member. Everyone knowing everything takes away a lot of my interest in upcoming episodes.

    Speaking of things that kill my interest, I can’t stand Rocket’s voice. It sounds like a man doing a girl’s voice while playing a somewhat racist stereotype.

    I did like the reveal at the end, and it’s probably the only thing that’ll keep me watching next week.

  8. This was one of the best episodes of the season. When the “reveal” happened with Superboy, Miss Martian, and Artemis my jaw literally dropped open.

    Great action sequences and the episode did an incredible job building tension leading to the cliff-hanger for next week’s JLA vs. YJ season finale.

    YOUNG JUSTICE is far and away the best superhero cartoon on TV.

    • @Conor: I completely agree. Great tension, great action, great character moments. Just great. They could have easily gone the other way with this episode, quickly making it into an “after school special” or a “very special Blossom,” where the team addresses Conor’s drug addiction and Miss Martian’s lying to the team.

      One thing that I especially liked was how Aqualad and Conor were unfazed by Miss Martians reveal; whereas, the rest of the team had the “Whaa?!?” look on their faces. Conor knew her secret, so that explains his reaction, but I feel like Aqualad’s reaction was appropriate given that he’s also foreign / different / an outsider from the rest of the team too, being from Atlantis. Aqualad is definitely the breakout character of this show for me. I would love to see THIS version of Aqualad show up in the Nu52. (As opposed to the version the shoved into Brightest Day.)

    • Completely agree with Conner and Ctrosejr…I would even go a bit further, and say this is the best animated show on TV, superhero or otherwise.
      I was SO impressed that they resolved all of the individual intrigues/secrets/lies in one quick motion…Contrary to Deadwyre, I really appreciated how this stuff didn’t drag out. It shows how far they have come since the first two episodes of season one, where Aqualad says something like “to be honest, I’m not sure we ARE a team”. They have learned to trust and depend on each other.
      Also, after dealing with so many plot threads in one episode, I’m really excited about where the writers are planning to go. They must have some exciting stories to tell, if they’ve wiped the slate clean so to speak.
      Next week is gonna be a doozy.
      Between DC nation on Saturdays and Marvel’s animated block on Disney XD on Sundays, and the big movie next month, its sure a great time to be a super hero fan.

  9. Great episode. And Dave Franco as Riddler / Lt. Troi as Queen Bee were the icing on the cake!

    I think Icon and especially Rocket are wonderful additions to this cast. The season’s drama is really coming to a head – can’t wait for next week!

  10. Best animated show on tv right now.

  11. Oh Geez! If you think about it, the only established superhero, who has appeared on the show, that they can ask for help… Is Guy Gardner!?! That’s gonna be good.

  12. This show continues to be the best animated show on TV and im so pumped for the season finale. So we’ve just had the “one falling” so that means next week we should get the “one will rise” and “one will die”. Its gonna be good!!

  13. Best episode so far

  14. Is it next saturday yet?

  15. My DVR labeled this as Season 2, Episode 6 or 7 (I forget which), though it’s still season 1. Stupid Comcast!