You Can’t Keep a Good ‘Crisis’ Down

Not content with your Crisis on Infinite Earths in single issue or deluxe slipcase hardcover formats? Have no fear Crisis on Infinite Earths: The Novel is here!

This is welcome news.

As someone who owns the novelizations of Kingdom Come, The Death and Life of Superman, and Batman: War Games, I’m here to tell you that novelizations of comic book events can be a very good thing (especially Kingdom Come). A prose novel usually allows the writer to explore the psychology and inner thoughts of the characters in a much deeper way than the format of most comic books allow. So you better believe that I’ll be buying this baby when it comes out.

My only complaint: 320 pages?? That’s minuscule, especially considering the size and scope of the events in Crisis. Hell, the book I’m reading now is 800+ pages! I guess the excuse would be that the book follows the point of view of The Flash and he’s not around for all of the events, but c’mon… this project screams out for at least 500 pages.

On an unrelated-yet-kind-of-related note, Josh and I sat behind Marv Wolfman at the Eisner Awards in 2002.