‘Ultimate Spider-Man’ – S01E22 – “The Iron Octopus”

Okay, I can admit when I am wrong. I really enjoyed last week’s Flash Thompson-centric episode.

Here’s how “The Iron Octopus” is described:

When Doctor Octopus takes over Iron Man’s armors, Spider-Man and team work to stop his attacks on Oscorp and S.H.I.E.L.D.

I look forward to your thoughts, opinions, gripes, live-blogging, etc.


  1. Marvel needs to check out Young Justice to see how a good cartoon should be made. Even my nine year old son said to me last week…”Dad I really dont like how the action stops and they talk to the camera.” If this is bugging kids then you can imagine how irritating it is to adults. Yes, yes I realize that they are trying to capture a younger audience, but when there have been so many good Spider-Man cartoons in the past (Spectacular, the 1990’s version, etc.) this is such a shame. Lets hope they dont do this when they restart the Avengers cartoon.