Things to Look Out For In Thor

One of the cooler things about the movies produced by Marvel Studios is that there's usually a few easter eggs or subtle nods to comics fans.  This is a tricky road to go down because you don't want to over do it with the fan service, but it's always cool to see some things that we know were put in there for "us."  In reviewing the Thor trailers, I spotted a couple of things that you'll want to keep a lookout for when you go see the movie:

Journey Into Mystery

Spotted in the trailer as they show a wide shot of the town that Natalie Portman lives in, I noticed a billboard.  Upon closer inspection, I noticed the billboard said "Land of Enchantment…Journey Into Mystery."  Why is this an Easter Egg? Well Thor premiered in the 1960s in a Marvel Comic titled, Journey Into Mystery.  This is a little nod to us long time comic fans that doesn't get in the way of the story, but is exactly the type of thing that people like me pause trailers to zoom in and see and giggle about.


The Warriors Three

In the background of a scene in the trailer, we see the grouping of three Asgardians, who upon closer inspection and some investigation of the Thor IMDB page, are revealed to be the mega popular characters, The Warriors Three.  The Warriors Three are 3 Asgardian friends and fellow warriors of Thor's.  Volstagg, Fandral and Hogun.  They differ from Thor in that they are not originated from Norse mythology, rather created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby with direct inspirations, for example Fandral is based on an Errol Flynn/Robin Hood type.

In the movie, The Warriors Three are present as seen below from this still in the trailer.  The role they play in the film, from what I've heard, is not very large, but merely the fact that they're in the movie and respective of their comics roots is enough to have fans clamoring over every scene they're in.  Keen eyes may notice that Volstagg (the one with the beard) is played by none of other than Ray Stevenson, who you may remember as The Punisher in Punisher: War Zone



You can see me discuss these easter eggs as well as some more facts from the trailer in this week's episode of the iFanboy video show.

Now these are just two examples of easter eggs that are in the Thor movie, no doubt there will be more revealed as more and more people see the movie.  I already know of a few from the film that I don't want to spoil for you.  Since these were in the trailer, I figured they were fair game. Part of the fun for us comics fans is spotting these little nods to the comics and I can't wait to see what easter eggs everyone notices in the movie.  Be sure to post any that you catch when you see the film in the comments below! 


  1. The Warriors Three are possibly my favourite supporting characters in any superhero comic, and I loved their rendition in the film. The guy playing Fandral (cannot remember his name right now) was absolutely channelling Flynn in one particular fight scene, but they were all equally great.

  2. Aside from the obligatory Stan the Man cameo, JMS appears briefly as well.

  3. and Hawkeye is supposedly in there somewhere

  4. I don’t care about Easter eggs, the Warriors Three, or even that blonde guy with the hammer.
    I’m just going to see the new Natalie Portman movie.

  5. “Land of Enchantment” is also a quasi official slogan for the State of New Mexico…which besides being a major filming location is also a setting for a lot of superhero fare these days isn’t it?

  6. it was a fun movie.

  7. Opened last week in my country, it was a good movie. Not in Iron Man, Spiderman 1 & 2 level but far, far better than the rest of the Marvel movies.
    The actor that plays Loki steals the movie, he’s great.

  8. There’s a HOME OF THE VIKINGS sign at the edge of town.

  9. @Baggo:  Good to hear.  For me, Loki is what would make or break this film.

  10. Yeah … Clint Barton is in the film, but not for long, and only in one scene. No doubt a set up for his being a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent in the Avengers film, I’d guess. 

    Stan’s appearance is hilarious, gratuitous, and sudden: so just what you’d expect from a Stan Lee cameo.

    Baggo is right, Loki pretty much does steal the show; brilliantly deceptive portrayal of the character.

    A nice reference to Thor’s alter-ego, Donald Blake, M.D., appears as well.

    And seriously, if you haven’t learnt by now, you shouldn’t be warned, but I will; stay till the end of the credits.  

  11. I called the Warriors Three thing months ago! That is so bad ass! I am really getting hyped for this movie, and it was the one I was least excited about earlier.

  12. When the frost giants try to steal their magic box, if you keep your eyes peeled you can see THE EYE OF AGAMOTO and what looks like a piece of Galactus (it’s some purple armour, so go figure)

    As well as the Stan Lee cameo, there is a cameo from Stracyzinki (infamous Thor writer), an extended cameo for Hawkeye (when i saw him go for a gun, then change his mind and grab a bow i literally SQUEEEEEEEED) and there’s a STARK reference when the Destroyer comes to Earth and meets S.H.I.E.L.D forces.

    Last of all, Natalie Portman’s boss mentions a fellow scientist and friend who “worked with Gamma radiation, before S.H.I.E.L.D came along and took away his reseach”, that’s GOT to be a Bruce Banner reference. 

  13. I hope they tie all these Stan Lee cameoes together and it turns out he’s The Beyonder

  14. just in case no one has said it yet: MAKE SURE YOU SIT THROUGH THE CREDITS!!!

  15. i liked how they handeled the donald blake situation 

  16. @Heroville! OMG! YES!

  17. If they had an easter egg where we got a good Marvel Movie I would be excited. This underwear model with a hammer movie just doesn’t look good at all.

  18. @Zarathos81  Don’t underestimate Hemsworth just because he looks like he could rip a phone book in half. One of the many pleasant surprises of this film is his amazing acting talent and range.

  19. Possible Spoilers, but not really…

    Saw it a week ago in the UK (seriously, how did that happen – is it just Branagh’s Brit cred that got it released here earlier?) and adored it.  Don’t have as much invested in the character as others do, but was absolutely swept away by it.  The world of Asgard is stunning.  The pathos and humour are perfectly balanced.

    Everybody has a chance to steal their own scene at some point.  Ray Stevenson’s battle-ready, big-appetite-having Volstagg is a treat.  Not a lot of screen time, but definitely memorable. 

    Hiddletson’s Loki is perfect, deceptive, cunning but ever-so-likeable. 

    Hemsworth impresses, particularly in his learning of humility, and the ‘interrogation’ scene that we glimpse in the trailers.

    Heimdall?  Don’t mess with that guy.  Asgardian kegels for the win.

    Jeremy Renner’s cameo.  A lot of fun, but ultimately pointless and there for the fans only. 

    One thing that blew me away is how good it looks when he spins the hammer…whirling dervish of pure force.

    Oh…and the Asgardian way of saying Agent Phil Coulson’s name is a lovely little gag. 

  20. yeah, it takes place in New Mexico, land of enchantment is actually on our license plates.  also in iron man 2, when agent coulson is talking with tony and teasing thor, he says there was an incident in new mexico, and at the end when we see his car pull up to the fallen hammer, the car has a NM license plate.