Terry Moore’s New Project is ‘Echo’

As a longtime Strangers In Paradise fan, I’m quite anxious to see what Terry Moore has got lined up next. Well, the wait is over. Is it Runaways? Is it Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane? No and no. It’s another creator owned project self published by Terry’s Abstract Studios.

On his blog, Terry reveals the cover image to his new series, Echo, as well as some musings about copyrighting his work.

From Terry’s post:

Echo is the story of Julie Martin, a photographer taking pictures in the desert when she finds herself in the wrong place at the wrong time. That’s all I’m going to tell you about the plot at the moment. The Diamond solicitation coming out in January will reveal a bit more. Echo #1 will be in stores March 5th. It will be 24 pages, B&W like SiP. The first printing of issue one, and only the first printing, will feature a silver foil cover. Why? Because that’s not rain, or hail.”

Needless to say, I will be buying a copy of the first issue, and probably the entire series, because I’m a fan of his work. I’m not surprised by the mystery around the plot, as I would imagine Terry would want us to enjoy the story as it unfolds.

So for the question of what about those Marvel books? Well Terry provides a bit more info in an earlier post:

“All I can tell you is the script for the first issue of Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane is finished and in the can. I’m working on issue #2 there. Runaways, I’m on my 3rd revision of the outline of issue one. Because the first issue is really all about the entire arc of issues 1-6, outlining #1 is actually outlining six issues. After months of work I’m just beginning to feel comfortable with the characters and less like creator Brian Vaughn’s baby-sitter.”

Looks like 2008 will be an exciting year for Terry Moore and his fans…


  1. My wife is going to freak.

  2. Boy, that was faster than I thought we’d see something.

  3. For a solid moment, I thought this was telling me he was doing a solo book for the New Avengers character Echo. My “whaaaaaaaa?” was one of those exclamations that make all the birds fly away in movies.

  4. This shall be purchased.

  5. I hope it has a hail or major rain shower like thing happening in it at some point. I love it when that happens.

  6. This looks good. I’ll have to check ot out. I have readed ant SIP yet beccause i don’t know if i’ll like it but i think might check this out.

  7. HE’S ON RUNAWAYS!??!! Not that Joss Whedon is doing a bad job, its just that i would like to see it on at least a bimonthly schedule. Also hes talking about issues 1-6 does this mean they are renumbering Runaways again? Can someone clarify for me please. I cant wait for him on Runaways and Im pretty sure that I will also buy every issue of Echo unless its horrible(not going to be)

  8. Awesome! I’m in!

  9. You know I’m down.

  10. I gotta say, the title logo/font is terrible.