SDCC 2011: Marvel Panels Preview

San Diego Comic-Con 2011 is less than a week away and if you're planning on attending the super bowl of comic cons, you're probably overwhelmed with planning your days at the convention.  With hundreds of panels spread out across the 4 days of the con, we've done our best to help guide you to the must-see panels of the con.



If you search the Comic-Con programming schedule for Marvel, you'll yield over 30 panels featuring Marvel creators, products and topics.  You might be wondering, "Which ones are the ones I absolutely can't miss?"  Fear not, we've got the ultimate guide to the Marvel panels at the San Diego Comic-Con:

Thursday, July 21

Breaking into Comics the Marvel Way – 10:15 AM – Room 6DE

Kick of the con with the panel that will probably be one of the most educating panels you could attend. If you're one of the thousands aspiring writers and/or artists dreaming of working for Marvel Comics (or any publisher really), then you have to attend this panel.  C.B. Cebulski, Marvel's talent scout, moderates this panel along with artists Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos and Marvel exec Mike Pasciullo as they discuss tips, pointers and suggestions for aspiring creators on what you need to do in order to break into comics. In addition to the educating tips, this panel is sure to be filled with stories of the good and the bad in the world of breaking into comics.  This panel is worth attending to not only find out what to do in order to break into comics, but also to learn what not to do.

Friday, July 22

Year of the X-Men – 12:30 PM – Room 6DE

I've been saying for a few months now, it's a good time to be an X-Fan, and there's no better place to be than the X-Men panel at San Diego.  Hosted by Marvel Editor-In-Chief Axel Alonso and featuring writers Rick Remender, Chris Yost and Marjorie Liu, this panel is a great opportunity to get some hints as to life in the world of the X-Men after the events of Schism.  One of the highlights will be seeing Rick Remender talk about his work on Uncanny X-Force.  In addition to cracking jokes, Remender is know for giving fans alot of insight into his work and if you're enjoying Uncanny X-Force, then you'll want to make sure to listen when Remender speaks.

Spotlight on Alan Davis – 2:30 PM – Room 5AB

While not strictly just a Marvel creator, Alan Davis has done some of his greatest work on Marvel characters.  From Captain Britain and Excalibur to the more recent Avengers Prime and X-Men Schism, Alan Davis is one of the industries great artists working today and in this rare opportunity to see him at a convention in the U.S., this spotlight is a perfect chance to hear what Davis thinks of his own body of work.

Saturday, July 23

Marvel Television – 10:30 AM – Room 6BCDF

Are you curious as to what's going on with Marvel TV Shows? We are too and we plan to have some great seats for this panel to get the latest scoop from from Mr. Marvel TV himself, Jeph Loeb.  Years ago when Loeb was working on Heroes, he hosted the screening of the Heroes pilot to the audience at San Diego, so it's a safe bet that Loeb will have some awesome, never before seen footage for us to enjoy. Perhaps it will be from the upcoming Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon or another project we don't even know about? We're hoping there's somr exciting news to come out of this panel.
Cup O'Joe – 2:45 – Room 6BCDF

One of the must see panels of San Diego Comic-Con, former Marvel Editor In Chief, now Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada stands up in front of hundreds of fans to answer questions about Marvel Comics as well as share some updates and news from the House of Ideas. Of all the Marvel related panels, this is the one that has the most potential for exciting surprises.  From unannounced guests (sometimes celebrities) to surprise announcements, if any news about Marvel is going to break, it's more than likely to come from this panel.  

Sunday, July 24

Fear Itself – 12:30 PM – Room 6DE

If I've learned anything in my years of attending the San Diego Comic-Con, it's not to underestimate the panels on Sundays.  Everyone may be tired and hungover but usually something exciting happens at a panel on Sunday and by looking at the Marvel panels, my money is on this one for being worth attending.  Editor-In-Chief Axel Alonso moderates along with creators like Greg Pak, Nick Spencer and Cullen Bunn in discussing the status quo affecting summer event, Fear Itself.  Given the nature of these things, I wouldn't be surprised if we got some post-Fear Itself announcements to get fans excited for the conclusion of the event.   Either way, it will be worth it just to see the fans questions about Fear Itself and to see how Alonso handles them.
There you have it, the must see panels related to Marvel Comics at San Diego Comic-Con. If you'd like to see the full breakdown of Marvel panels, head over to where they not only have the full list but for those of you not attending the con, they'll be live blogging during every panel, so there's no excuse not miss a minute of San Diego, if you're there or not!  If you are attending the con, maybe we'll see you at one of these panels! Come say hi!


  1. Damn! Sucks that I gotta miss the Alan Davis panel; that man is a God of Art.

  2. At at least one of these panels can you guys pleeeeeeeeease ask about Runaways and if/when it will return as an ongoing or at least a mini?

  3. Count me in!