Preview: The Truth is in HOAX HUNTERS #10

“My god, it’s full of…crows?”

That spooky astronaut, that murder made manifest, has been adrift in the astral wake for far too long. After a bit of a hiatus, Hoax Hunters returns this September with a new artist in Tristan “T-Rex” Jones. The premise is simple. Intrepid documentarians Jack, Ken and Regan, along with that space suit stuffed with raging birds, travel the country dispelling urban legends. Regan’s harrowing origins sizzle at the center of today’s preview.


If you’ve yet to ride alongside the Hoax Hunters, now’s a great time to start. Co-creator Michael Moreci recently revealed plans to offer previous issues for free through Keenspot. The series has also been optioned for a feature film adaptation.

Now, how’s about that preview?