Preview: CAPTAIN AMERICA #615.1 by Ed Brubaker and Mitch Breitweiser

It seems like for years now Ron has been saying that Mitch Breitweiser should be drawing Captain America. Well, he finaly gets his wish, for one issue, at least, now that Breitweiser is drawing Captain America #615.1 along with writer Ed Brubaker.

Captain America #615.1 goes on sale March 9, 2011.


  1. I kept reading even though I really lost interest a few times there. Glad I stayed with it.

  2. I wasn’t planning on picking up any of these .1 issues but damn it Mitch Breitweiser draws a damn awesome Captain America. This is the one thing I definitely agree Ron on.

  3. That cover. If Fiege wants so badly to stray from the source material by revamping Cap’s look, I get it. He wants to put his own stamp on it so it ups his juice in hollyweird if the upcoming movies succeed. I don’t see why the source material has to copy the clone so to speak.

  4. That cover is sweet. This story look intriguing. Might be time to get back on the Cap book!

  5. Those pages just got a hold of my wallet.

  6. yeah…I’ll be picking this up…

  7. I am about to drop Cap simply because the inconsistency in art has been driving me crazy. I’ve been holding on only because I’m sure it ties big into Fear Itself and I think they’ll bring Steve back because of the Movie. that being said, PLEASE LET BREITWEISER draw this book! It would catapult back to one of my favorites again.

  8. Those Breitweiser pages look awesome.  His work seems so much more laid back and natural.  Definitely meant to draw a Cap book.

  9. WOW!

  10. I love Breitweiser’s penciling style, reminiscent of Hardman, Lark, Epting, and Lee Weeks. All these guys need jobs simultaneously at Marvel.

  11. Quite possibly the only .1 I’m excited for, just look at it!  Gorgeous.

  12. that art is awesome but brubakers cap lost its luster for me a long time ago.

  13. I like it.