Mark Waid and George Perez on ‘Brave and the Bold’: “OooOOOooo” – Conor

Many, many years ago (was it 2002?) it was announced at the San Diego Comic-Con that Kevin Smith was going to be writing an all-new The Brave & The Bold series for DC Comics.

Yeah, that never happened. Remember when Kevin Smith was going to write a whole bunch of comics?

In 2005, DC announced that Mark Waid would be the new writer and Newsarama‘s got an interview with Waid and preview art from SERIES ARTIST GEORGE PEREZ!

There was a letter we got on the podcast a few weeks back asking what new series we are excited for. This one just shot to the top of my list!

It probably comes as no surprise that the old The Brave and The Bold comics were a favorite of mine as a kid. I’d buy as many old dusty back issues as I could. Batman teams up with a different hero every issue? Here, take my money, please.

Even though this new series isn’t a “Batman plus” book like before, it features art by George-freakin’-Perez! And he’s drawing a rotating cast of DC heroes!


  1. For one reason or another Perez’s art does nothing for me. But I’m excited about this book, nonetheless.

  2. I agree with buying old back issues of “The Brave and The Bold”. I used to read all the back issue I could buy.

  3. I have a poster of all of the Avengers drawn by George Perez. It even includes Darkhawk. So yeah, it is awesome.

  4. I’m officially stoked for this to come out. It should be pretty good. You can’t really get a better team working on it either. I’ve always enjoyed Mark Waid’s writing and what can you say about George Perez that hasn’t already been said.

    I’m glad this will be a new ongoing series. Does anyone know how long this team’s run will be?

  5. FINALLY! I’ve been looking forward to this forever, and while it would be nice to have Smith write it….let’s face it, we’d get one issue every three years (still look at my copy of Daredevil/Bullseye: The Target #1 and swear in a creative fashion). When he’s on his game, Waid’s among the best and this kind of series could be a continual showcase for DC’s stars.

  6. Despite the book’s roots, I’ve always felt that the team-up that best defined the series was Flash and Green Lantern. I’m seriously disappointed that Batman was used in lieu of the Flash, especially since the writer is Mark Waid, the gold standard of Flash writers. I was hoping for a post Crisis Wally West appearance that was actually good (p’shaw to Classified) and this would have been a great opportunity to make it happen.

  7. That’s interesting. Whenever I think of The Brave and The Bold I always think of “Starring Batman and XXXX” It never even occured to me to think of Flash & Green Lantern. I can’t remember any of those issues.

    If they DID do Flash and Green Lantern you’d probably be disappointed because I’m sure it would be Bart and not Wally.

  8. “Starring Batman and XXXX”

    I was similarly thrown by Kirkman’s Marvel Team-Up. “Isn’t Spider-Man legally required to be in this somewhere?”

    I am glad to hear about this; all week I’d been meaning to ask, apropos of nothing, “Where the devil is Mark Waid?” Has he been on 52 or whatever? My finger is not on the DC pulse.

  9. Someone correct if I’m forgetting something, but the only book I can recall that he’s writing right now is Supergirl and the Legion of Superheroes, which I had really no interest in.

  10. And 52.

  11. He also writes Hunter-Killer for Top Cow. Why? I have no idea.

  12. It’s just a matter of time before there’s an “oooOOOooo” ringtone. It officially has become iFanboy’s trademark sound… byte/effect or whatever!!! Conor will forever be remembered for this. Feel good about yourself, Eeyore?!?

    You gals rule!

  13. I read the title out loud.

  14. “He also writes Hunter-Killer for Top Cow. Why? I have no idea”


  15. “That’s interesting. Whenever I think of The Brave and The Bold I always think of “Starring Batman and XXXX” It never even occured to me to think of Flash & Green Lantern. I can’t remember any of those issues.

    If they DID do Flash and Green Lantern you’d probably be disappointed because I’m sure it would be Bart and not Wally.”

    I think it’s mainly because Mark Waid already did a miniseries titled “The Brave and the Bold,” and it was nothing but Barry and Hal stories. Plus, there was the Justice League episode titled “The Brave and the Bold” starring Wally and John Stewart.

  16. I think it’s mainly because Mark Waid already did a miniseries titled “The Brave and the Bold,” and it was nothing but Barry and Hal stories. Plus, there was the Justice League episode titled “The Brave and the Bold” starring Wally and John Stewart.

    Ah. Yeah, that’s way more recent. The old The Brave and The Bold comic series that I read as a kid was published from August 1955 to July 1983. It’s the series that featured the first appearance of the Teen Titans.

  17. Maybe I will be sounding sacrilegious here, and don�t get me wrong I LOOOVE GEORGE PEREZ, But he is best at drawing wide panels or epic imagery, full of detail. This cover looks more like a Dan Jurgens drawing, and that for me it�s not very good. Still can�t wait to see the interiors.

    I�m with “RICH PEOPLE”

  18. Didn’t the first issue of Brave & Bold that featured Bats teamed up with someone, featured Green Lantern…so another nod to the old series…
    Heck, I’m still campaining for an internet-type reader poll for the team-ups! Highest vote-getters win! I can see those wacky, wild team-ups now: Metamorpho + The Metal Men…oh wait, that really was one…. 🙂