Holy habeas corpus, Batman! Daughter of ‘Batman’ Producer Sues Fox

The daughter of the late producer William Dozier is suing 20th Century Fox Film Corporation alleging she was defrauded out of $4.4 million in royalties from 1960s cult classic Batman.

“I wish it could have been avoided,” she said. “Nobody likes litigation, old chum.”

Okay, she didn’t really say the “old chum” bit.

This story is a little light on the details, but if her family has a contract with Fox and it’s valid then Fox is probably going to have to pay up. I have no legal training whatsoever.

I mean, I’ve watched a lot of L.A. Law and Law & Order and Perry Mason, but I don’t think that counts.

But really, any chance I get to bring up the show that’s both the best and worst thing ever to happen to comics, I take.


  1. I knew that batman was a fraud!

  2. I watch a lot of CSI – so if things get out of hand with the hearings, I might be able to help.

    Other then that, I’m usless. Just like an intern should be.


  3. It was the white eyebrows that pushed it over the edge.