Guy Davis Reveals Art For His First Post-BPRD Project: THE MARQUIS AND THE MIDWIFE

There was a collective panic felt across the comics fandom at large earlier this year when Dark Horse announced that Guy Davis was ending his run on Mike Mignola's B.P.R.D. Since 2003 Davis had been working with Mignola and co-writer John Arcudi to tell the continuing adventures of the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense, but like all things apparently it was to end.

But Davis fans have something new to be excited about, as Davis left the project to resume work on his own series — The Marquis. The image seen at right is Davis' first new promo image for the upcoming series The Marquis and the Midwife, which will see Davis return to the character and world he first created back in 1997.

For thos unfamiliar with the series, The Marquis is an action/horror hybrid that follows an 18th century former Inquisitor for the Catholic Church who finds a new calling when he gains the ability to see demons that had been hiding amidst normal French society. Using a sabre and a pair of uniquely-built machine guns, the Marquis sets to put a stop to it. A few years back Dark Horse collected the original stories as a standalone trade paperback, with the upcoming The Marquis and the Midwife to be the first of four new volumes.

To find out more about the series and see some process sketches of this amazing illustration, go visit Guy Davis' website. Make sure you also check out Paul Montgomery's spotlight on Davis as well his his review of The Marquis: Inferno from back in 2009.


  1. The original stuff was quite good.  I’m looking forward to the new series.

  2. The inferno was really good…dense but good. I will have to look for this. 

  3. dense but good… dense is correct. still on the fence about good

  4. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    It’s criminal that this character is so obscure. I loved Inferno. 

  5. I loved the trade they released recently. Excellent art, concepts, and monster designs too. A bit hard to follow at times, but Davis has probably honed his craft over the years.

  6. I don’t believe it was the Catholic Church but The Faith.  Interpret that as you wish…  ðŸ˜‰

    I loved the art in Inferno more than the story.  I would pick this up for the art alone.