Guide to Amazing Spider-Man #655 Splash

Did you see Marcos Martin's gorgeous, reality bending 2 page masterpiece in Amazing Spider-Man #655? We highlighted the piece in our Best of the Week in Panels, and Marvel has seen fit to do some explaining to those who wanted to know every single thing there was to know about it.

Here's a sample of some of the key:

Top row, left to right

SALLY AVRIL (first appeared in AMAZING FANTASY #15, died in UNTOLD TALES OF SPIDER-MAN #13): A high school classmate of Peter Parker’s who turned him down for a date then later adopted the costumed identity Bluebird in hopes of becoming Spider-Man’s sidekick; killed in a car accident speeding to the sight of a battle involving Spider-Man to take photographs.

NICK KATZENBERG (first appeared in WEB OF SPIDER-MAN #50, died off-panel): Daily Bugle photographer with low moral character who once attempted to blackmail Peter Parker, but also developed an odd friendship with him; died from lung cancer brought on by years of cigarette smoking.

NATHAN LUBENSKY (first appeared in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #47, died in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #336): Retirement home resident who met, fell in love with and became engaged to Peter Parker’s Aunt May; killed by The Vulture while helping Spider-Man save May, whom the villain had taken hostage.

UNNAMED WAITRESS (first appeared in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #559, died in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #560): Waitress who filed a lawsuit against actor Bobby Carr after he lost his temper with her and was killed by his super-power stalker, Paper Doll.

CAPTAIN GEORGE STACY (first appeared in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #56, died in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #90): Heroic police captain, father to Peter Parker’s girlfriend, Gwen Stacy, and a paternal mentor to Peter himself; killed saving a child from falling debris during a fight between Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus, revealing to Peter he knew his secret identity and asking him to take care of Gwen with his last words.

Check out the rest of the guide over at


  1. I think this is the best article has put online in ages!

  2. This is pretty sweet, there were a couple of people on there I wasn’t sure who they were, now I know!!

  3. Man remember when Nathan Lubensky was stealing money from Aunt May to buy drugs? Good times, good times.

  4. @sircox
    Wasn’t he using the money for gambling?

  5. is that the flat iron building?

  6. @Cubman987 

    That might have been it. It was something shady. I was really young when I read those issues and I remember HATING him after that haha.  

  7. its amazing how many have died in the last 4 or 5 years

  8. this is incredible. nice post. 

  9. Avatar photo captamerica101 (@Autobot_Hunter) says:

    no wonder peter blames himself for everything.

  10. Its funny that he counts TIM HAMMOND among the dead but Peter has more guilt than any other character.  Marcos Martin and Dan Slott are brilliant!

  11. My favorite cameo is of Charlie. I love that Wolverine/Spider-Man team up. One of the first comics I ever bought. They almost never reference her, so that was cool.

  12. @TheLastSon21 Yea.. i don’t know who that is. Care to fill me in on this Charlie person?