Conor on ‘Fuzzy Typewriter’ – Part 2

After a brief delay due to technical difficulties, it’s Part Two of the latest iFanboy podcast crossover event! And once again. there are no comics involved.

I guest starred on Fuzzy Typewriter to discuss one of the best new TV shows in years — AMC’s Mad Men.

Check it out here or search “Fuzzy Typewriter” on iTunes!

Here is Part One, in case you missed it.

As for the rest of the show, here’s the rundown:

The long-awaited second half of my conversation with Conor Kilpatrick of about AMC’s Mad Men! But first, programming notes, listener mail, the WGA strike, and a disturbing voice mail from Alec Baldwin. Plus, the future of Fuzzy Typewriter revealed!

Fuzzy Typewriter is from iFanboy’s own Paul Montgomery, AKA paper. It’s a great show featuring movies, music, books and more. Everybody should check it out!


  1. Conor, I think I made a mistake in selecting a topic only the two of us could really enjoy at the moment. Hopefully the non-spoilery stuff convinced a couple of people to check it out once it’s on dvd.

    Ah well.

  2. I really enjoyed it.

    But, as it was said, I’ve watched all the episodes. It’s easily my favorite show on TV, except when the Wire is on.

  3. Thanks, Josh. I’ll have to dive back into the Wire.

  4. I’ve only seen a couple of episodes but I really enjoyed the conversation. Conor, it strikes me that you could knock out a TV critique video podcast in your sleep. I just want you to start it in an armchair, paging through a vintage copy of TV Guide. Look up as if you’ve just noticed us so we can thrill to your classic, “Oh, hello!”

    Conor’s Video Vittles.

    Not only good taste but tasty too.