Captain America: The First Avenger Free Prequel Comic Book

Are you barely able to contain your excitement for the movie premiere of The First Avenger? Marvel's there to help you out. After debuting the trailer yesterday, today you can find the special prequel comic, First Vengeance, written by Fred Van Lente, with art by Luke Ross. For the full Captain America: The First Avenger experience, get over to Marvel's landing page, where you'll also find the TV spot, an iPhone app, and wallpaper.

They'd have a myspace page, but Steve Rogers would have no idea what that is. Then again, he might be into antique relics these days.

OK, that was cheap. I'm sorry.


  1. Awesome! I’ll be reading this when I get home.

  2. This is a smart move by Marvel. A free comic, the trailer, and a wallpaper all at the same site.

  3. That’s pretty friggin cool. Will the publish this in print version at some point? I can barely contain my excitement for ALL Marvel films at this point. Can’t wait to see how these prologues (Iron Man, Captain America, Thor) fold into the anticipated Avengers movie franchise.

  4. I can tell you, I had to see people I knew talking about this know that such a comic existed. Lumping it under the banner “Downloadable Content” on a movie website means it’s a pass for me. Most DL content from movies tends to be lame wallpapers and countdown timers, so I wrote it off. Now if the end of the trailer had a catchy “See how the story begins at Captain America Dot Com” or a more obvious tip off that the content is unique, I would have been inclined to look this up.

    It looks cool from what I saw of it, but I have yet to get on the Marvel App. 

  5. Nice read.  Nice art. 

  6. Have any of the other movies gotten comics tie-ins?

  7. Haven’t seen this on Comixology or the Marvel App yet.  Looking forward to it.

  8. i just finished reading this and i loved it. i wish this came out in print. maybe theyll release the tpb when its over.