Name: Anthony Sanchez
This was one of the best Green Lantern Corps issues of Blackest Night so far. Having Guy become a Red…
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Name: Anthony Sanchez
This was one of the best Green Lantern Corps issues of Blackest Night so far. Having Guy become a Red…
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Batman Died!
I've been playing the beta for a couple of weeks now. It's pretty fun, but I can definitely see why they postponed it. The game play reminds me a lot of Diablo. I would say it's like a Diablo game in an MMO world. I'm not a big fan of the map, but playing World of Warcraft has spoiled me on that. If you like hack and slash games, you will like this. I haven't had a chance to do a lot of group stuff like instances/dungeons. I'm not sure if they have that type of content out yet.
It will be interesting to see how it goes when they open up the beta more. I look forward to trying out some group content where there is healing and tanking involved. The controls are a little clunky and you can't select other players like you can in traditional MMO games. I'm not sure how you would go about healing someone if you can't select them.