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Name: Julia L


widowmaker's Recent Comments
June 7, 2010 4:28 pm I was pretty skeptical of this book, but listening to McKone and Gage talk it up at Heroes Con, I'm willing to give the series a try.
May 17, 2010 3:16 pm

I'm going to my first comics convention with Heroes, so the whole fan-creator interaction thing is something I'm interested in and worried about. I'm a chatterbox on the Internet, but I tend to be quiet in person. I have no idea which extreme will show up at Heroes, hopefully just that fan that has read and enjoyed comics for so long. Hopefully.

I love sending replies to creators on twitter just to let them know I've enjoyed a particular issue or some art they've shared. They work long hours, they need all the encouragement they can get, even the "stars". I usually don't expect a response honestly.

That said for something like a convention sketch/commission, I'd probably email them or wait until their actual announcement goes up. 

May 14, 2010 1:24 pm Francavilla makes that Iron Man suit look really menacing and creepy, rather than just a odd bucket of bolts.