
Name: vol7ron forum


vol7ron's Recent Comments
January 16, 2012 10:33 pm I remember there was a movie like this before. It was almost identical, but it was 4 kids and each time they used their "powers" they became more-and-more out of control (evil). Was that The Surge? Never saw it, but this trailer looked almost the exact same.
January 16, 2012 10:22 pm Are these guys serious? "Indie" is an abbreviated term for "independent", as in the film wasn't produced by a major label/studio. You typically find indie films in Paris or at the Sundance Film Festival. They are more commonly identified by their low budgets, since the major studio (moneybags) aren't backing the funds. I would say George Lucas and Quentin Tarantino are probably the most well known. Although, it's not always the most accurate information, you can refer to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independent_film), in this case. As for Hancock, I would say anything associated with Columbia Pictures is hardly independent. And yes, well-known actors are commonly found in low-budget/indie films, which typically don't do so well. Many times it's either part time work, or something of their own design, but they hardly ever make it to the box office.