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Name: Benjamin Penfold-Marwick

Bio: I am a high school English and media teacher by day. By night (and most mornings on the bus) I am an avid comic book reader who spends practically every waking minute that I'm not working, reading or reading about comic books.


vidiot's Recent Comments
September 7, 2011 6:07 am Gambit in print is fine, but I'm yet to see him on film or animation in a version that does not shit me to tears. Deadpool works in team books, but on his own he is completely overbearing..... I can honestly say I'm gray about these characters. 100% gray.
September 3, 2011 8:03 pm Hi, So I've read the last Flashpoint and other than showing us that the new DcU is another universe or something, what other correlation is there between Flashpoint and the new 52? I could see no obvious ones in Justice League. By the way, I really enjoyed Flashpoint all the way through, much more than I thought I would, so if there is no correlation I don't really care. I think it acted as a nice send of to the way things were, moving on to the way things are now. I'm just curious to know if anything from it is mentioned or seen in these 52 #1s. Thanks.