
Name: Brookie Crawford


vacelts's Recent Comments
October 28, 2008 12:40 am

I feel like a need a score card after this episode to keep track of who is in league with whom.  So <a href=””>many alliances were formed, broken and double crossed</a> in this episode that I’m not sure who is on whose side anymore.

The best line of the whole night was when Mohinder asks Arthur how he could put his son through his fake death.  Arthur replies “Have you met their mother?”

The episode title Eris Quod Sum means “I am what you will be” and I understand that it’s a motto often used on gravestones.  Does that mean there will be more deaths?

I loved when Lyle doused Elle with water – apparently it not only put a damper on her power, but her chronic bad mood.  Unfortunately, I’m not impressed with Elle’s latest storyline.

October 21, 2008 8:22 am

It’s going to be interesting <a href=””>to see how Arthur’s power pans out</a> and who is going to be left to oppose him.


I thought the promo last week said (or maybe I read it somewhere) that we were going to learn why Claire was special this episode.  But all we saw her healing power again.  Did I miss something?


And how exactly did Daphne race into Level 5?  Don’t they have security, scans, locks?