
Name: Katie Username


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February 16, 2012 12:49 pm @Conor: I think you're having trouble understanding how alternate universes work. 616 Pym is not the same as Ultimate Pym. 616 Janet is not the same as Ultimate Janet. Their relationship in 616 is not the same as their relationship in the Ultimate universe. It's different. You're still acting like Ultimate Pym's actions should somehow influence how the 616 Avengers feel about him.
February 16, 2012 12:40 pm So now I see you've edited your article to show that you know the difference between 616 and Ultimate Marvel (when other people point it out to you). It still doesn't change the fact that you're acting like two entirely different people are exactly the same. Ultimate Pym is an abusive husband and all-around scumbag. 616 Pym is a guy who had a mental breakdown and did something awful that he later regretted and never did again. Give him an effing break.
February 16, 2012 12:23 pm Hank Pym is not a "wife beater". That term implies a pattern of behavior which 616 Pym just does not have. He had a breakdown ONE TIME and hit his wife. Yes, that was wrong. But it does not make him an abusive husband. He was not in his right mind. Also, your comparing 616 Pym to Ultimate Pym is like comparing apples to tractor trailers. **COMMENT MODERATED**