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Name: Chad Smith


uberchad's Recent Comments
October 3, 2012 8:52 pm I'm very nervous about the movie. I've loved the Lone Ranger since I was little. Dynamite's recent 25 issue Lone Ranger series from Brett Matthews was the bomb diggity as well. I haven't warmed up to the new Ande Parks stuff yet. Regardless, I read early on that Depp intended to make Tonto the "star" with a stumbling, bumbling Ranger at his side. I have no reason to dislike a BA Tonto, but I hope the film is more of an equal partnership than a hero/sidekick thing. It'll be nice to see more attention given to the Lone Ranger franchise either way.
January 28, 2012 2:15 pm Then the higher ups at Warner Bros. should have had their stuff together before they totally overhauled their comic line. It just adds to the shortsightedness of a lot of decisions at DC/Time Warner/Whatever you want to call it.
January 28, 2012 10:04 am I still don't understand why, if they are re-branding, why did they stick with Detective Comics Comics as their brand name? DC Entertainment, DC Media, DC Books, etc. all would have been better choices. This plus the fact they are redoing the logo less than a year after the whole universe reboot show what a cluster&@&^ DC is.