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Name: Steve Van Dyken



Hulk #3 was way better than last issue. Who doesn’t love Hulk vs. the Abomination? Ed’s art is amazing I…

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I started reading this book because of the funny and interesting interactions between the Asgardians and the small town’s folk….

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truestranger's Recent Comments
August 27, 2008 10:56 pm Hey also have you ever done a review of Batman: the animated series? if not will you ever?
August 27, 2008 10:44 pm

I always thought they used Kyle for GL in Superman 'cause he was the current GL in the comics at the time. Then they used John in Justice Leage 'cause they needed a black guy. Also they needed another girl that's why they used Hawkgirl instead of Hawkman. That's just what I've always thought. Really liked this season, except for a few episodes. I came out of it really liking John as GL and Really liking Hawkgirl I Don't know maybe I read more into her character than was there. Oh well,

I thought That Katar Hol  was the guy that Hawkgirl was engaged to but I recheck, nope, I still think he would have been a kick-butt Hawkman if he hadn't been well...insane.

March 13, 2008 1:55 am

Ok this is great looking, sure the walk seemed off in the trailer, at least it's not rubber Hulk fighting "my dad the gaseous cloud" I love the Hulk and the first movie just made me sad. Yes! Bring on the Abomination a enemy worth the Hulk, I have no problem with Hulk fighting the military, but that's seems to be nothing but Hulk smashing equiment and men running from him. So an enemy that can actually fight back? yeah!

So not a fan of the first Hulk movie, (which marvel is pretending didn't happen) and really excited to see this Hulk movie.

March 7, 2008 10:36 pm Yeah I think Night Owl is pre-outlawed supes, when he wasn't as heavy. I just want to know if Doctor Manhattan is gonna have his gunk hanging out the whole movie as in the book.