
Name: Tony S


tony619's Recent Comments
April 6, 2020 4:40 pm Thanks for answering my question! Honestly, when I wrote that a few weeks ago, it didn't occur to me that digital distribution would stop as well. I just learned a lot about the business from the last segment of the show, so thanks for that. I've been feeling pretty glum about it all lately (enough to finally get a 'Nothing Make Sense' tee), and was happy to hear you all have a not entirely negative feeling about the future of comics.
March 22, 2020 6:29 pm Thanks for another great podcast. I needed some laughs and the distraction, as I'm sure we all do. As I listened this morning, I was actually rooting in freezer this morning for some breakfast links when Josh mentioned unable to find brats in his own packed freezer. Good time in the pre-apocalypse days...
September 1, 2019 3:17 pm Alexandra Petri is a very funny satire columnist for the Washington Post. I was very suprised to see her name on a Marvel comic! Just found this: One of my favorite columns by her: