
Name: Sparky Santos


stsparky's Recent Comments
February 22, 2012 4:01 pm So Ryan, do Black Holes wobble? And perhaps Lara reminded Jor-El?
February 22, 2012 3:58 pm Jor-El stood on the shoulders of his dad. I presume the Black Hole research turned Terra up.
February 22, 2012 3:40 pm Didn't brush up on your research? Krypton was always aware of Terra — specifically the House of El was. There was even a hybrid branch of Terran/Kryptonians who were Atlanteans. Recently, it was Kal-El's scientist grandfather using a black hole power source experimenting with teleportation who re-discovered Earth. One family history was that prior to Zod's destruction of Kyrypton's moon — Superman's mother Lara was an astronaut in the planet's Space Program.